quality estimation
Discover the advancements in TAUS QE Metrics V2.0, featuring a state-of-the-art cross-lingual transformer architecture for precise translation quality predictions.
Find out how companies integrate QE into their workflows and explore real-world use cases and benefits of quality estimation. From mitigating risk in global chat communication to minimizing post-editing in machine translation workflows.
Learn about the distinctions between quality estimation and quality evaluation, the foundations of TAUS QE scores, and how to categorize and customize scores for optimal application.
Unlock the secrets of Machine Translation Quality Estimation (MTQE) with three key facts that demystify its distinctiveness, data-driven automation, and broader applications beyond cost reduction.
A look into how TAUS approaches the automatization of Translation Quality Review with the DeMT™️ Estimate API.
Quality estimation for machine translation is an active field of research in the NLP community. As a method that does not require access to reference translations, it may very well become a standard evaluation tool for translation and language data providers in the future.